
Murdoc's Fractured Stories. Peter Pan

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Murdoc : Welcome back kiddies! It's time once again for my amazing bedtime stories! It's really been a while since we've done this...? Only because Kickski acts like a spoiled little bastard and demands to be made the main character of the stories.

Ray : What? I did not!

Lou : Niccals is right you know. You stopped turning up to these things after he told us the story of the Greasy Chef.

Murdoc : Ahem! Greedy...

Lou : Yes, it was very greedy of you to want to hog the limelight. (haughtily sticks his nose in the air. Murdoc raises an eyebrow at him)

Murdoc : No, the story was called the Greedy Chef.

Lou : (doesn't change his position or look around) That doesn't change the facts of the situation. It's all the same to me. (Murdoc thinks about it for a moment or two then shrugs and accepts it with a nod)

Ray : Hnnn.. *grumble*

Vince : All that matters is that we're all here.. *hugs Ray*

Kurt : Yo, what's the story this time? Is it something to do with a princess of some sort?

Murdoc : *lifts a heap of books into his lap* Nope, nope, already did this one... Us, blue twerp, us. Ah ha! I found it! (holds it up)

Spyder : *reads the title* Peter Pan?

Murdoc : Exactly! And it's because today is a quite a special day. Hmm... it's quite a long one

Vince : Ooh! I can't wait to hear it! *gets comfortable*

Murdoc : Hold your horses, this one is really a loooong one.. Ahem! Once upon a time, there were three young boys in quite a rich family. Their parents were so wealthy that the boys spent most of their time playing pirates and having fun.

Spyd : Stay back, Hook! For I, Peter Pan will defeat you and feed you to the crocodile! *holds out his wooden toy sword*

Ray : *takes out his wooden sword as well* Shut up Peter Pan! Today I will be the one that defeats you!

Spyd : En guard! *the sound of clonking wood can be heard throughout the room*

Evan : He's not Peter Pan! I am! *swings on a rope that is tied to the ceiling* Whoooo!

Murdoc : They never realized that the boy in their imagination was actually a real person. Mind you, it never occurred to them that the real Peter Pan was always perving on what they were doing at all.

Vince : What?

Murdoc : *checks the line in the book* Peeking! I mean peeking. *shrugs*

Spyd : Can you just wait one moment. I wish to speak privately with Ray. *grabs his arm and they disappear from the room. Murdoc widens his eyes and stares at Vince as if waiting for an answer*

Vince : *shrugs* I don't know what that's about?

Outside the room...

Spyd : I heard a little rumor that you once again stopped Evan from proposing to Vince. 

Ray : So. I still don't get why I'm always painted as the bad guy in everything.

Spyd : If you'd just let it happen I'm sure you'll see that it's no where near as bad as you thought it would be.

Ray : And this helps my bad guy status how?

Spyd : Alright, look at it this way. Lucifer isn't the most pleasant guy to know, but even he hasn't said anything about Evan's proposal to Vince. So given that he is considered the Evil Overlord of the universe, what does that make you? *Ray stares at him while thinking*

Ray : Um... I...? I mean that...?

Spyd : Who are you to stand in the way of love?

Ray : *realises that Spyder has a point* The bad guy. *slumps shoulders and stares at his feet* Fine. The next time Midas goes to ask, I'll... say nothing. *Spyder smiles and they reappear in the bedroom*

Murdoc : Finally! *picks up the book again* So one day the boys' father leaves them and their mother for some unknown reason? Which means that the mother now has to tend the business and asks the older one to work with her, so that he can inherit the family business.

Evan : Working? Now?

Mother : The sooner, the better...

Evan : No... I don't want to yet.

Mother : I'm not taking no as an answer, you'll be turning 13 soon! It's time for you to grow up and start making money!

Evan :  I don't want and that's final! *climbs*

Mother : Evan!

Spyd : I know how that feels. Rather than playing like any other kids, instead I had to do work for living... *sigh*

Vince : Spyd... *strokes his back*

Ray : Hey, I also worked at young age too.

Vince : *cuddles Ray*

Ray : Mm..

Lou : Oh come on, since when were you two getting close?

Kurt : What's wrong with that? I think it's good that we're all getting along again.

Lou : Not for me Uti! Hmph!

Murdoc : Can I continue? I don't want to make this any longer than it already is. The older boy is now in a tight situation and he wishes that he could escape from tomorrow. But it was starting to get late and he was already tired from playing and today's event is just the icing on the cake. Later that night, Peter Pan had heard the arguing and has decided that this is a good opportunity to take the boys to Neverland. Oh, now he's a kidnapper!

Vince : *glares at him*

Murdoc : *ignores* The boys felt a sudden chill from the opened window, it was then that they saw the shadowy figure of a man in black clothes and a hat. But what surprises them the most are the demonic wings behind him.

Evan : *blinks*

Spyd : Who are you?

Vince : My name is Peter Pan and I'm here to invite all of you to Neverland! *floats*

Ray : Whoa! You really can fly, just like in our imagination!

Vince : I could teach you how to fly, if you want...

Murdoc : Given they have no wings like he does, Peter whistles loudly and a small fairy floats in through the window. Surprisingly the fairy looks just like Lou!

Lou : Really?

Murdoc : Yes! I don't have to explain the fairy dust and happy thoughts bit... right? *they all shake their heads and he moves on in the story*

Spyd : I think this must be a dream. *Ray slaps him* Ow! Why did you do that? *rubs his cheek*

Ray : I was just thinking that and wanted to check. Now we both know. *grins cheekily*

Vince : *looks at Evan* Hmm... You there, why you haven't you begun to fly yet?

Evan : *looks up* How can I think of happy things, considering what happened today and what I have to face tomorrow?

Vince : *floats down and purrs* When you're in Neverland, you don't have to think about growing up or bothering about work. In there, we will play games and have fun whenever we want.

Evan : ...

Vince : Think about it, no force...

Evan : *slowly begins to float* Ah! *loses balance*

Vince : Whoops. *puts a hand on his back* Here you go.

Evan : *smiles* Thank you.

Murdoc : From then on they begin flying to the heavenly land, leaving their home far behind until the town is covered by clouds. After a long journey, they see an island and let out a cheer. From afar they see a pirate ship, mermaids and indians. But they had trouble when the captain spots them.

Murdoc : That's Peter Pan! Fire the cannons!!

Kurt : Fire the cannons!

Vince : Uh oh... Watch out everyone!

Ray : Cool! The real captain Hook and a real cannon ball! I never seen one up so close... And it's getting closer and closer- *is pulled away by Spyd*

Spyd : What the Hell are you doing? You're supposed to evade that!

Ray : Yeah yeah...

Vince : You two, grab my hands!

Murdoc : That's only one! Fire more! More!

Vince : Evan!

Murdoc : With his both hands already full, grabbing the young twins and saving them from the Captains wrath, he hasn't got time to save the older brother. A near miss from a cannon ball makes them blast off in different directions.

Ray : Ooh, intense story! I love it! *zaps up some popcorn*

Spyder : It's Vince's room here, you'll make a mess!

Ray : Why you always telling me what to do? *throws one pillow and picks up another, ready to throw it as well if pressed*

Vince : Ray, please stop...

Ray : *huffs out* Fine, if that's what you want Vinnie.

Murdoc : The older brother flies down to the forest to escape being targeted and comes to stop when he crashes into a tree.

Evan : shoulder. I better practise flying more later. *looks around* Hello? Peter Pan?

Murdoc : He searches around but only manages to find the Mermaid's Lagoon..*whistle* he tries to ask them if they have seen Peter, but all the mermaids shake their heads and say no. He leaves them and continues searching- Wait? *reads again to be sure* Only that? Come on, there's fucking mermaids in there! Mermaids! Heck, if I'm were him, I would have some fun at first- Oof!

Kurt : I can throw another pillow if you want *lifts another threateningly*

Murdoc : It's Neverland. So it's not wrong if I have fun in there, heh heh. *sees that Kurt means it and huffs out in annoyance*Moving on, he starts to get tired and his feet hurt. Now he can't think any happy thoughts because he's fatigued and it's then that he sees something shiny flying towards him. He remembers that it's Peter's fairy.

Evan : Thank you for finding me, do you know where's Peter is? Is he close by?

Lou : ...... *staring*

Evan : H-hey! That tickles! Haha, stop! What the- *stops complaining when he realises that he's floating*

Lou : *pointing out towards the darkest part of the woods*

Evan : He's in there?

Lou : *pulls on his hand, flying them fast among the trees*

Murdoc : He reaches a clearing in the woods and the fairy points to one of the trees which turns out to be Peter 
Pan's hideout. Well, no one expected a secret hideout in that kind of place. After opening the lid, he wasn't sure that he wanted to slide inside. He backs away, only to be shoved in the back by the fairy and forced into the hole. Inside he finds many boys jumping, running 
around and laughing and is glad when he spots his brothers.

Ray : Hey it's you. Peter, we've been searching for you everywhere.

Spyd : Are you okay? *looks down* Your feet are filthy!

Evan : Oh? *looks at his feet* This is nothing. I was walking through the forest bare-footed until I met that fairy again.

Vince : I can't find him anywhere! *looks at Evan* Oh, there you are!

Lou : *whisper*

Vince : His feet? Whoa! Let me treat that right away, where's the wrapper? *begins rummaging through his stuff*

Murdoc : After getting his wounds treated, the older boy starts to spend more and more time with Peter Pan. Time goes on like a rocket, 
whooosh! He sometimes remembers his mother and wonders how she's doing. He tries to remind his brothers about her, but they're too busy being distracted by Peter's new game, 'The Stakeout on the pirate ship'

Spyd : I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this.

Ray : Come on, where's your spirit?! It'll be a thrilling adventure!

Spyd : Shh... not so loud! There may be a pirate nearby. *looks around to be sure*

Ray : Noooo, Peter said that at this hour they'll all be in the forest, looking for food! *taps a cannon ball* I wonder if I can shoot this?

Spyd : Geez, keep it down would you? We have to stay low and look for something valuable..

Ray : A treasure?

Spyd : *nods* It must be inside the Captain's room, urk..what is that smell?

Ray : Rum!

Spyd : How'd you know?

Ray : I stole some from dad's liquor cabinet once... hey! A green fog! Cool!

Spyd : Cool and creepy at the same time.. *looks around*

Murdoc : All right you two, enough!

Ray and Spyd : *gasp*

Murdoc : First you go sneaking around on my ship and then you intend on taking my treasure map as well?!

Spyd : I didn't touch anything. *looks at Ray*

Kurt : *snatches from Ray's back pocket* Guilty as charged!

Spyd : Tch.. Ray!!

Ray : Sorry?

Murdoc : Boys! Tie 'em up!

Murdoc : Captain Hook decides to torture the twins but after a while he begins to take a liking to the one with red eyes. His first mate on the other hand, becomes interested in the grey eyed one.

Vince : I love the connection in here!

Murdoc : After a good whipping and raping-

Ray : *grins*

Kurt : *clears throat*

Murdoc : *rolls eyes* Captain Hook sees an opportunity to lure out Peter Pan. He decides to use them as a bait. Meanwhile, Peter and the first brother have been arguing because he thinks that he wants to leave him and go back to work back in New York.

Evan : Of course you wouldn't understand! You don't know what it's like to have a parents who might actually be worried about you!

Vince : Fine! If you want to go back! Fly on your own, I won't escort you! *sniffs*

Kurt : The poor little boy must be homesick. I know that feeling when I was on on that pink island...

Murdoc : Quit being sappy, I never get homesick or anything like that! Anyway... The older boy runs around in different directions and doesn't realize that he's heading towards the beach, until he sees the Pirate. He's about to run back when he hears his young twin brothers' scream. Not realizing that it's a trap he races towards the sound.

Ray : Oh no!

Murdoc : Oh yes Kickski. Captain Hook and his crew suddenly pop out from everywhere and surround the older brother, finally capturing 
him and sure that Peter will come and rescue them.

Kurt : Somehow the Captain's behavior reminds me of someone..

Everyone : Mm..yeah *all nodded*

Murdoc : *blinks* Gh! Shut uuuup! Which bit does that, aside from the bit that I looks like the Captain?

Lou : The bit that is so sure that his plan will work?

Murdoc : I don't do that! ANYWAY! *glares at them* The tied-up brothers are stood on the plank. They had played Walk-The-Plank back at home, but they had always fallen onto a huge pile of stacked pillows.

Ray : Uhm.. I don't mind swimming for a while. *shrugs*

Spyd : Look down! It's not the water that waits for us!

Evan : *gulp* That's a huge crocodile!

Ray : *raises hand*

Murdoc : The boys are forced to the end of the plank at the point of the pirate crew's swords-

Ray : Ahem! *jabs his hand a few more times in the air*

Murdoc : What?!

Ray : There are crocodiles in the sea?

Kurt : It's a saltwater crocodile, so it's not a surprise that you found one on the beach.

Ray : Oh..okay.. Carry on then. *waves him on*

Murdoc : Just before they fell, they saw something that swept them off their feet. Well, we don't have to guess who that might be.

Kurt : It's a bird?

2D : It's a bat!

Murdoc : *hits 2D's head*

2D : Aow!

Murdoc : Idiot! It's Peter Pan!

Murdoc : After releasing the brothers, he gets to the deck and lets out his weapon as well. 

Ray : *smirks* Weapon. *gestures to crotch. Murdoc widens his eyes at him*

Murdoc : *sniggers* Funny as that is, noooo. Peter Pan can block all of Hook's attacks with his cutter, he also evades by flying. All the crew and the brothers are watching intensely.

Spyder : I can imagine Peter Pan using a cutter to fight.

Vince : *thinks* Hehe.. I can imagine that too, Spyd

Murdoc : Well, you know how it ends. The good always wins,the brothers end up going home and they all get back to living their boring lives, for the rest of their life. The End.

Everyone : Huh?

Murdoc : You know, happy endings?

Lou : That ending was either quite short, or you're just too lazy to tell us all the details?

Murdoc : Uuuh.. Oh look, a duck! *points out at the wall behind them*

Kurt : A duck, where? *jumps up and looks for it, nearly knocking Ray off the bed*

Ray : Ack! 

Everyone else : ?

Ray : Hey, where'd he go? *sits up straighter*

Kurt : *realises there is no duck* I knew he would do that, now that I think about it.. That story was indeed too long. *yawns*

Spyder : Didn't he say that because it was a 'special day' today?

Lou : I don't care what day is now. I'm going to shut my eyes because it's already past 11 pm.

Kurt : You're right, well I'm off to bed. Good night all *closes the door behind him when he leaves*

Spyder : Good night.. *leaves as well*

Ray : Soooo.. *smiles* Shall we continue? *holds up the Peter Pan book*

Vince : Ray? When did you..?

Ray : I was fast enough to snatch it away before he left. The last part was too short.

Vince : Let's read it!

Vince : Well, now that the treasure is ours, it's time for you all..*sees Evan* to go home

Evan : !

Ray : Home? You mean your home Peter?

Spyd : Our home Ray. Back in New York

Ray : Oh..

Vince : Don't worry, tomorrow I'll come again and pick you up to bring you back to Neverland.

Spyd & Ray : Awesome!

Ray : Then Peter Pan and the brothers fly back home. While they fly along the twins do acrobats with the fairy. The older brother on the other hand is flying steadily along with Peter. When they see their home, the twins glide down toward the house fast.

Ray : Where's big brother?

Spyd : He's back there, come on. I'm hungry.

Vince : So... that's your house.

Evan : I thought you didn't want us to go home.

Vince : At first I didn't want. But after you were caught by the pirates, I realised that you should go home. It's too dangerous. Especially now that Hook knows that you are kind of important to me...

Evan : *sigh* This is good bye then, isn't it?

Vince : I think I owe your brothers an apology, I shouldn't bring you back to Neverland ever again.

Evan : At least we will meet again?

Vince : Yeah! Pretty soon! I promise

Evan : A good bye kiss then?

Vince : What's a kiss?

Evan : You don't know? Close your eyes.

Vince : *close*

Evan : *kisses cheek*

Vince : Wow.. That's... giving me a familiar feeling

Evan : I'll see you soon then. Hopefully I'm not going to grow old too fast.

Vince : Sure!

Ray : After that Peter Pan never comes back. But the older brother always remembers him and his Neverland adventure. The End.

Vince : That's a bit sad. But it's a good thing that he never forgets Peter Pan.

Ray : Like me! I'll never forget our adventures- I mean, activities together!

Vince : *chuckle* I won't either.

Ray : *closes book* That's for tonight..yaaawn..getting sleepy here..

Vince : Good night, Ray

Ray : Good night, Vinnie *snuggle*

Another collaboration with :iconspyder-cross: :dance:

It's a long story, celebrating two years of writing this story
Big thanks to you all readers and Spyd who helped me write it! :D :party:

Vince and Evan © Me
Spyder, Rafe (Ray) © :iconspyder-cross:
Kurt © :iconthenugeart:
Gorillaz © Damon Albarn & Jamie Hewlett
Lucifer © Himself
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